Tuesday 31 December 2013

Great Cartoon from Bill Leak! 30/12

As published in The Oz 30/12/13

GS re bds this morning - Derision is the handmaiden of contempt!

From: g87
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 7:51 AM
Subject: Derision is the handmaiden of contempt!

Derision is the
 handmaiden of

We should all thank Stuart Rees of Sydney University Letters 31/1 for so openly indicating that Shurat HaDin is getting under his thick skin!
He now becomes the best vindicator for my new phrase: Derision is the handmaiden of contempt.
The boycoteers have being so contemptuous of history, so careless with truth, so laissez – faire with claims against democratic Israel that plainly nothing but derision and contempt for their twisted derivations will move them.
Oh - and the law:
The sheer fear of losing in open court will also do it.
Strength to your slingshot, Shurat HaDin!
Geoff Seidner
13 Alston Gr
East St Kilda
03 9 525 9299

Derision is the handmaiden of contempt!
YOU should be thanked for telling readers about the derision used by the lawyer representing the Israeli law centre Shurat HaDin in their legal action against my Sydney University colleague Jake Lynch who is supported by more than 4000 signed-up co-defendants from 60 countries.
Shurat HaDin's action is a hysterical, albeit planned, response to the increasingly successful worldwide boycott of staff from academic institutions that assist in the occupation of Palestinian lands and thereby run roughshod over international human rights laws.
Without adherence to such laws, there can be no civility, no justice for Palestinians or for their supporters within Israel.
Stuart Rees, Sydney University, NSW

Monday 30 December 2013

Hi PVO... George Brandis has responded...

Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 3:28 PM
To: g87
Subject: Re: Hi Peter.... George Brandis has responded to you in today’s The Oz.

Hi Geoff
Enjoy your fun, as I enjoy the many many benefits of what I do (and love to do). Currently relaxing on holidays. 
All the best

Sent from my iPad

On 30/12/2013, at 3:24 PM, "g87" <g87@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
Hi Peter,
Please note that George Brandis has responded to you in today’s The Oz. It was inevitable. The A - G is of course very generous to you in his carefully considered item.
I am of course not so encumbered with trying to optimise my electoral popularity VS the need to respond to your pretty outrageous efforts.
Fortunate perhaps is that most people are on hols.
You should contemplate my heroic incipient efforts. I have lots of interests – and have tried to invent a means of stopping time.
You will see my response reasonably soon.
Note also that Catalaxy has also taken the ‘parody weapon’ to you. See below.
Do you intend a decko at the comments?
Other salient links will be posted as convenient during the silly season; we are regularly taking days off to be with the grandchildren and whatever else we pick to relax with.
I somehow hope we all continue to have fun at your expense.
As a further aside: you should really not continue this farce in yet another column.
Sadly – you may just do that.
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 11:11 AM
Subject: [New post] PVOs watch list for 2014
Sinclair Davidson posted: "Peter van Onselen has put out a pollie watch list for 2014. So he has 5 on the up and 5 on the down. It is the on the down choices that I'm interested in. First he nominates Wayne Swan - but Swan has more or less disappeared from public life, if not actu"
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:41 PM
To: g87
Subject: Re: Hello again PVO!
Good luck with it Geoff, do get back to me when you have some substantial and cogent words completed. I look forward to reading it if you manage to follow through on this commitment.

Sent from my iPad

On 29/12/2013, at 2:31 PM, "g87" <g87@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
Hello Peter
You have in your two recent articles given me enough incentive to base a major essay, thesis, monograph or even a book on the subject of
I may change the nomenclature – but methinks some people may recognize that it will be based on the
I will send you advance copies as I write it: you may be prepared to comment on salient segments.
Oh – by the way – I will try to find room for Emmerson: remember him?
His article is right next to yours in Saturday’s Oz.
Yours Sincerely
Geoff Seidner
 December (66)

This message and its attachments may contain legally privileged or confidential information. It is intended solely for the named addressee. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message or responsible for delivery of the message to the addressee, you may not copy or deliver this message or its attachments to anyone. Rather, you should permanently delete this message and its attachments and kindly notify the sender by reply e-mail. Any content of this message and its attachments which does not relate to the official business of the sending company must be taken not to have been sent or endorsed by that company or any of its related entities. No warranty is made that the e-mail or attachments are free from computer virus or other defect.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Hello again PVO!

From: g87
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:31 PM
Subject: Hello again PVO!

Hello Peter
You have in your two recent articles given me enough incentive to base a major essay, thesis, monograph or even a book on the subject of
I may change the nomenclature – but methinks some people may recognize that it will be based on the
I will send you advance copies as I write it: you may be prepared to comment on salient segments.
Oh – by the way – I will try to find room for Emmerson: remember him?
His article is right next to yours in Saturday’s Oz.
Yours Sincerely
Geoff Seidner
 December (66)


 see links below!!!
From: g87
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:08 PM


RE: Lynch like 'publican denying blacks, Jews' 28/12

I refer to  Professor Jake Lynch’s comment in  The Australian 28-29 December 2013:  Lynch like 'publican denying blacks, Jews
Seemingly Lynch needs to abuse and pervert a standard figure of speech used by Professor Dan Avnon in applying for the fellowship:
‘’... "Shurat HaDin appear to forget when I was approached by Professor Dan Avnon it was to ask me for a favour....’’
Is this not some mealy – mouthed additional justification for denying the Israeli Prof. Dan Avnon access to a fellowship created  by the family of Sir Zelman Cowen? He has plainly created problems for himself.
Furthermore, someone tell me how is it that Lynch has been given the right to deny an Israeli Jew the right to a Fellowship created by Jews in the name of the late Sir Zelman Cowen?
The much – parodied Professor of Peace and Conflated studies incredibly goes on to say:
‘’I reserve my right not to co-operate with schemes that provide for institutional links with Israeli universities, to which I object on principle."
In ‘principle’!
What principle -  of outrageous plain racism?
It is timely that Shurat HaDin the Israeli Law centre is taking legal action against racism that local Jewish organizations like ECAJ astonishingly lacerated Shurat HaDin for.
That too is outrageous!
Plainly Shurat HaDin and The Australian have done more to obliterate the BDS boycotters than the ECAJ!
Geoff Seidner
13 Alston Grove
East St Kilda 3183
03 9525 9299

‘’Professor Lynch told The Australian yesterday: "Shurat HaDin appear to forget when I was approached by Professor Dan Avnon it was to ask me for a favour. How I chose to respond to that request was a matter for my discretion. My decision to turn down his request had nothing to do with his religion or nationality. I reserve my right not to co-operate with schemes that provide for institutional links with Israeli universities, to which I object on principle."

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Complete Catalaxy and comments re Dreyfus and Triggs

Filling the AHRC with luvvies

It is incredible that the AHRC President, Gillian Triggs,
warned on Monday that Mr Wilson’s appointment as a commissioner to the AHRC – with a salary of about $320,000 a year – may have to come at the expense of programs on school bullying and education for older Australians.
The Attorney-General rightly points out that the staffing budget for the AHRC has risen by $5.4 million over the past 3 years – an increase of almost 50 per cent over that period.
As at 30 June 2013, the organisation comprised 143 staff:6 statutory (ie: the President and Commissioners), 1 SES Band 2, 2 SES Band 1, 26 EL2, 33 EL1, 32 APS6 and 43 other.
It has been stacked by the luvvies and now Tim Wilson will be one out of 143 (or thereabouts). The Human Rights Commissioner will be vastly outnumbered by those who want to deny him human rights.
Triggs should resign in disgrace. She has shown herself unable, as the organisation’s CEO, to control expenditure which has spiraled out of control with her in charge.
Once Triggs has resigned, the Attorney-General should appoint Tim Wilson as President and Human Rights Commissioner.
Catherine Branson was appointed President of the HRC on 7 August 2008 and then appointed the Human Rights Commissioner on 12 July 2009 before resigning from the Commission on 29 July 2012.
So there is precedent for Tim to be both the President and Human Rights Commissioner.
Brandis should make it so.

About Samuel J

Interested in economics and politics.
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51 Responses to Filling the AHRC with luvvies

  1. jupes
    Once Triggs has resigned, the Attorney-General should appoint Tim Wilson as President and Human Rights Commissioner.
    Oh to be a fly on the wall when Tim gives Liz Broderick her performance revue.
  2. JC
    So there is precedent for Tim to be both the President and Human Rights Commissioner.
    Wouldn’t that be a scream. The JC leftie suicide hotline would be going 24/7.
    Which reminds me, what’s going on with the Climate Authority and the authoritarians. Why are they still there when it’s obvious the government has no intention of listening to one single word they say? It wouldn’t be the money angle, would it? No siree.
  3. Michael
    What on earth do 143 people do. When I conducted reviews of government agencies in Howard years always found staffing was 3 times what was needed to deliver service by private sector or an NGO. Has obviously been stacked .
  4. duncanm
    Tim could volunteer to do it for ~ $100k.
    That’d screw with their minds and faux sense of fairness.
  5. Jannie
    What a cornucopea of treasure the “Commission” must be to the comfortable, caring, budget retarded Left. What a cool, remunerated, gig it must be. That org structure looks like the tea lady is paid at management level.
  6. Ant
    Is it inaccurate to call these people bottom feeding scum?
    They get paid a fortune by money pilfered from working people to add to their already lavishly gilded lifestyles and then THE INSTANT something or someone comes along that just might make them have to behave in a way that justifies it all and they run to wheel out ‘children being bullied’ as though we’re all idiots who believe any crap they can think of.
    Time Brandis took the cleaver out and swung it down hard on these oxygen wasting blowhards.
  7. C.L.
    Once Triggs has resigned, the Attorney-General should appoint Tim Wilson as President and Human Rights Commissioner.
    Everybody: stop strategising the HRC’s rehabilitation.
    It’s a lefty game.
    The body has to be shut down entirely. Destroyed.
  8. Gab
    It has been stacked by the luvvies and now Tim Wilson will be one out of 143 (or thereabouts). The Human Rights Commissioner will be vastly outnumbered by those who want to deny him human rights.
    Yes and haven’t the luvvies carried on a treat over one conservative being appointed to an agency infested with leftists. Maybe they think (ha!) Wilson will contaminate them with right-minded ideas. I predict Wilson will be subjected to passive-aggressive bullying in the workplace, similar to how whilstleblowers are treated by the establishment.
  9. braddles
    The HRC sounds like a mini-ABC, and is a law unto itself. One conservative appointee will not make a difference. Wilson has a hopeless task if he is supposed to reform that mob.
  10. duncanm
    I think Brandis has played the long game here.
    He knew the AHRC were a bunch of soft blowhards who couldn’t possibly entertain the thought of someone not of the left joining their cabal.
    They’re not even professional enough to sort out their bitching in private.. I suspect he knew that, too – previous form?
    The public is not dumb enough to believe that school bullies will now run rampant because a new commissioner is appointed.
    They are squirming in the quicksand and don’t have the sense to stop wriggling.
    It is exquisite to watch.
  11. Honesty
    Spiders and snakes in this cupboard. At first blush it would seem that it’s best to simply axe it however I feel the strategy is to open multiple fronts on these gesture institutions that the lefties have strong conviction for so that they don’t have the resources to fight the big fights at full strength. The squealing on all these fronts will drive public opinion against them. We can only hope.
  12. Talleyrand
    Just in case Triggs & Co are having problems balancing their budgets, I suggest they look at the cost incurred on their recent Human Rights Award Night at the Museum of Contemporary Art at Circular Quay.
    Not a Human Rights Commission but a(nother) Rent-Seeking Commission pretending to do good.
  13. Mindfree
    I’m hoping the LT strategy is to show it for what it is, a cesspool of budget waste being hoovered by self appointed moral Kommissars that when threatened with their self importance possibly being torn down turn into the brazen cowards they are and run like rats from the sinking ship. (not that I think Tim will exert much influence though he may give it a shake)
    Then Brandis has plenty of ammunition to shut it down and send the likes of Trigg, Broderick, Southman and the rest of the scum back to the uni lecturer dust bin – if he’s got the balls
  14. Samuel J
    In his first outing as Human Rights Commissioner, Tim Wilson announced that the IPA has been awarded the Human Rights Medal and a separate medal to Chris Berg.
  15. Mindfree
    That’s a poke in the eye for Triggs and her ilk, but that’s only going to get them angry.
    Having said that, it might be funny watching what happens next. Get Tim to take and publish the pics
  16. Mindfree
    Cannot see any announcement of that on the IPA web site!
  17. duncanm
    Brandis makes a good point regarding remuneration.. I suspect he’s hinting at the obscene pay rises at the top of the organisation:
    2012: 6 x $270k packages
    2013: 2 x $343k (+27%), 4 x $303k (+12%)
    Total senior exec remuneration went from $2.2M (9 staff) to $2.7M (11 staff).
  18. wreckage
    “CONSERVATIVE”. The guy is openly gay, and STILL a bogeyman to these people.
    They’re absurd.
    Shutdown scenario: take the $20 million+ of pure waste and spend it all expediting refugee claims. Instant material improvement in human rights, something the Commission has not achieved with $20 million annually.
  19. johanna
    It’s certainly been entertaining and instructive to watch Triggs and her “team” in action. As I said on the previous thread on this topic, when Labor appointed Tim Somethingorother as a Commissioner in the middle of a budget cycle, they were like a dog with two tails. But suddenly, this appointment is going to promote schoolyard bullying. Give me a break.
    Their dumb and amateurish tactics will help to seal their fate – if there were any wets in the Coalition who believed in their bona fides, surely this is all the evidence they need about the HRC’s toxic political agenda. I doubt if there are Coalition voters above single figures there – which is hardly representative of the electorate.
    While they spend a lot of time and our money looking for outrages to correct, they are strangely mute on the rights of Muslim girls and women living in Australia, who (in some sub-cultures) are regarded as roughly the same as goats on the family farm.
  20. Brett_McS
    The AHRC sounds like the worst HR department imaginable, magnified to the Nth degree. If they are really looking for cases of work-place bullying and the creation of toxic work environments they won’t be needing any of those air miles they’ve racked up to find it.
  21. blogstrop
    Triggs reveals herself to be a political animal, and not in a good way. I’d hazard a guess she has lots of like-minded colleagues at the redundant commission. Scrap it altogether. The Wilson exercise has shown it to be a sham outfit.
  22. cohenite
    Shutdown scenario: take the $20 million+ of pure waste and spend it all expediting refugee claims.
    Excellent. Wedge the pricks until they’re drowning in their own hypocrisy.
  23. Mindfree
    Yeah, good idea Wreckage – in fact I hope they audit Triggs to see how much is spent on THEIR human rights. Then publish the findings and set up a commission to have Triggs answer
  24. Mindfree
    Yes, taxpayer funded commission but I would welcome that just to see that bitch hung by the you-know-whats until she is politically dead and gone – No mercy!
    But then its Christmas and I’m being nice about it
  25. Bob
    Maybe Tim could push for: “With Rights Come Responsibilities” to be embossed on the HRC ‘s stationery and business cards.
  26. Tardell G
    Shut it down.
    They’re called “Public Serpents” for a reason.
  27. R.B.
    Free speech you say.
    #1122739, posted on December 24, 2013 at 2:53 pm
    Tim Wilson, defender of free speech, rides the HRC gravy train.
    Tim Wilson of the right wing thinktank the IPA waffles on our free speech. The IPA would have
    the HRC closed in an instant if they had their way.
    Meanwhile, at a kneesup at the IPA earlier this year he and another defender of abuse and
    defamation, Andrew Bolt lionise the wealthiest person in Australia Gina Rinehart.
    At the time Rinehart was pursuing legal action against two journalists , Steve Pennells and Adele Ferguson
    to force them to reveal confidential sources of information involved in the ugly spat with her children.
    Ask any journo if this is an abuse of free speech.
    Hypocrisy shown by right wing defenders of ” free speech” is breathtaking in this instance
  28. .
    R.B is another lunatic that thinks free speech means state controlled speech.
    Don’t worry folks, most people would ignore them as they rant delusionally at various train stations begging for spare change.
  29. cohenite
    Hypocrisy shown by right wing defenders of ” free speech” is breathtaking in this instance
    How so?
  30. Mindfree
    RB Bwahahahahaha – you are a parody right?
  31. wreckage
    Tim Wilson, defender of free speech, rides the HRC gravy train.
    Irrelevant to free speech, yet couched as though a juxtaposition. Fail.
    Tim Wilson of the right wing thinktank the IPA waffles on our free speech.
    He didn’t, and nor have the IPA; in fact they repeatedly raised the issue when the HRC did not.
    The IPA would have
    the HRC closed in an instant if they had their way.
    So? You’d have Abbott voted out. YOU HATE DEMOCRACY. Non-sequitur, deadbeat.
    Meanwhile, at a kneesup at the IPA earlier this year he and another defender of abuse and
    defamation, Andrew Bolt lionise the wealthiest person in Australia Gina Rinehart.
    Relevance to free speech? You might note we have laws on defamation. Andrew Bolt, JOURNALIST, broke none of them.
    the wealthiest person in Australia Gina Rinehart.
    Clearly a villain!
    At the time Rinehart was pursuing legal action against two journalists , Steve Pennells and Adele Ferguson
    You lauded legal action against Journalist Bolt, but now action against Journalists is a threat to freedom.
    to force them to reveal confidential sources of information involved in the ugly spat with her children.
    Ask any journo if this is an abuse of free speech.
    It’s a contest of a specific journalistic privilege. It is not a matter of free speech or even of individual rights; this rule protects a privilege that journalists have but everyone else doesn’t.
    Hypocrisy shown by right wing defenders of ” free speech” is breathtaking in this instance
    It might be, but we can’t tell, since you haven’t actually cited any examples.
  32. wreckage
    Every sentence a floating turd, RB. There are septic tanks that are smarter than you.
  33. Mindfree
    Wreckage – great takedown but I think RB may be our own Doomlord taking the piss for Xmas.
    Nice try Sinclair but you gave it away on the “right-wing think tank” bit
  34. RCon
    Surprising bio at bottom of SMH article, referred to IPA as a libertarian Think tank. Mighty generous.
    Mr Wilson, who was a director at libertarian think-tank, the Institute of Public Affairs, is due to take up his position on the Human Rights Commission in February. The IPA has called for the abolition of the commission.
  35. Token
    I notice leftard turds across a number of sources e.g. Mumbles is naming individuals as Libertarians then demonising them via strawman arguments.
    Seems the left is really scared of the threat.
  36. JohnA
    Some shindig!
    ‘TV personality Craig Reucassel, from The Chaser, will host the annual Human Rights Awards, “so expect a little irreverence”, said the rights lobby’s promotional blurb.’
    I wonder if his irreverence extended to offending someone’s rights? Could the offendee make a complaint to the HRC about behaviour of the MC at the HRC event?
    Iolanthe – The Lord Chancellor: Ah, my Lords, it is indeed painful to have to sit upon a woolsack which is stuffed with such thorns as these!
    And is President Trigg paid somewhat more than His Honour, the Lord Chancellor?
  37. wreckage
    If Tim can’t be on the HRC because the IPA has called for its abolition, does that mean that Marxists aren’t allowed to shop, and AGW catastrophists aren’t allowed to vote?
    This is looking like a very promising line of thought. I am definitely going to identify as Libertarian, because presumably I will then be able to own a gun and smoke pot, but not sit on government committees. Which would actually be pretty fun if one was high as a kite and heavily armed.
  38. SteveC
    Is it inaccurate to call these people bottom feeding scum?
    Are you including Tim in that?
    Here’s an idea, add 75 commmisioners at 300k each, don’t add any budget for salary. Whole budget is used up on salary. HRC can’t do anything at all.
  39. SteveC
    Merry Christmas everyone, here’s a present I picked especially for you:
    Dear Tim Wilson,
    I’m sure you’re a huge fan of Open Letters, what with your passion for free speech. I am also a fan of free speech within the bounds of reasonable conduct, and so today I’m using my free speech to write you this letter.
    I’m also a fan of getting to the point quickly so I’ll put it out there right up front. I think you’re a dickhead. Unlike lots of other people who also think you’re a dickhead, I haven’t come to this conclusion recently, or after the announcement that you’ve been parachuted into perhaps the most oxy-moronic position your buddies in the Abbott government could have handpicked for you. No, I noticed you a long time ago as the boy playing in a man’s world, as you did your best but failed not to blush from the neck up while yelling at climate scientists in a field of scientific endeavour you know nothing about.
  40. wreckage
    climate scientists in a field of scientific endeavour you know nothing about.
    Yep, if he was wrong about something he knows nothing about, then he’s also wrong about something he’s spent many years well into.
    And, since you called him a dickhead on that spurious basis, and we’ve established that anyone who does so is wrong about everything, you yourself are wrong about everything.
    Suits me.
  41. SteveC
    wreckage, it was just a present for you. You should read it, it’s great fun. Assuming you’ve nothing else to amuse you on Christmas Eve. And have another egg nog, it will help your logic.
    Merry Christmas.
  42. wreckage
    No, I noticed you a long time ago as the boy playing in a man’s world, as you did your best but failed not to blush from the neck up while yelling at climate scientists
    That is the most bizarre combination of hypersensitive pweepiness and weirdly specific anger I have read in some time. Add the alluded-to grudge into the mix and I wonder about the writer’s mental health.
  43. wreckage
    wreckage, it was just a present for you. You should read it, it’s great fun. Assuming you’ve nothing else to amuse you on Christmas Eve. And have another egg nog, it will help your logic.
    Eh, it’s Christmas. You should try laying off the tragically obvious passive-aggressive slyness, in honour of our Lord and Saviour.
  44. wreckage
    Unless you’re on the turps already, in which case you can be forgiven. Have a Merry Christmas anyway! Hope you get actual presents.
  45. SteveC
    not my lord and saviour wreckage, but Merry Christmas anyway.
  46. wreckage
    Well I was going for a bit of irony, but winks don’t translate to text well. Have a good one!
  47. SteveC
    Cheers wreckage. I’m not usually up this late, but it’s the annaul Christmas present wrapping saga. And my youngest is 16! Aaargh!! Hope you have a good day tomorrow.
  48. wreckage
    16! Commiserations and congratulations!
  49. dd
    The threat to close the ‘bullying’ program – aside from being highly ironic – is amateur hour in terms of political spin. It’s transparent, illogical and implausible.
    As an aside I am skeptical of the usefulness of ‘programs’ like these to solve social problems. Bullying is a serious issue – it amounts to systematic abuse of minors – and as such should have a proper regulatory or legislative solution; not pamphlets.

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