Thursday 13 September 2012

David Marr on Arbeit Mach Frei

From: g87
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 8:38 AM
Subject: David Marr on Arbeit Mach FreiEssay on David Marr?
David Marr on Arbeit Mach Frei

Pam Swirski Last Post 13/9 waits for someone to write an essay on David Marr.
Perhaps the basis for same will be Marr’s lamentable support for the [sick??] 2003 Leunig cartoon Arbeit Mach Frei!
As editor of the ABC's Media Watch Marr lamented the censuring of this ultimate obscenity of a cartoon by the Age editor.
Marr vouchsafed an effective comparison of Israel with the Nazis at Auschwitz!
It will be indeed 'scabrous].
Geoff Seidner
13 Alston Gr East St Kida 3183
03 9525 9299

Letters The Australian Sept 13, 2012
''Greg Sheridan used "scabrous propaganda" to describe David Marr's Quarterly Essay. What a beautifully succinct and apt description.
Neil Bradley, Auldana, SA''
I'm waiting for someone to write an essay on David Marr.
Pam Swirski, Berwick, Vic
19 May 2003 – Another Leunig that did not appear in the Age – after being pulled by editor in chief Michael Gawenda. Welcome to Media Watch. I'm David ...


  1. Rough and covered with, or as if with, scabs.
  2. Indecent; salacious: "scabrous publications".
Synonyms:rough - coarse - rugged - harsh

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