From: Tom Elliott
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 1:40 PM
To: g87
Subject: Re: TOM ELLIOTT: You can respond if you are not as cowardly
as I think you are!
I no longer waste my time on people who are continually rude to
I take it that you deem this to be your response?I agree with your carefully – chosen reply. FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH.HOWEVER: IS THAT ALL THERE IS?IS THERE NO APOLOGY? Or even an attempt at a real response?You were once more courageous: see google etc belowRegardsGeoff
Socialist Dystopia: Hi Tom Elliot - You are a 'Mentsch! 5, 2013 - Hi Tom Elliot - You are a 'Mentsch! From: g87. Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:13 PM. To: Tom Elliott. Subject: Hi Tom,You are a 'Mentsch!
Socialist Dystopia: Once again you copped it- As last time 9, 2014 - 'RATIONAL'! My other main blog: Geoff Seidner ... To: Tom Elliott. Subject: Hi Tom,You are a 'Mentsch! Hi Tom, ...
Socialist Dystopia: Tom Elliott tried to censor me re 5, 2013 - Tom Elliot took my call at approx 5.18 pm yesterday on his 'Drive' Melbourne ... LABOR BRAND / VALUES · Hi Tom Elliot - You are a 'Mentsch!
Socialist Dystopia: I TOLD YOU SO!Feb 13, 2013 - I TOLD YOU SO ON MONDAY AS ABOVE LINK! .... The Dog · BELABOURED LABOR BRAND / VALUES · Hi Tom Elliot - You are a 'Mentsch!From: Tom ElliottSent: Monday, February 02, 2015 11:13 AMTo: g87Subject: Re: TOM ELLIOTT: You can respond if you are not as cowardly as I think you are!I'm not a coward, but do not wish to expose my family to Islamic retribution. If I were a single man, I'd think and act differently.RegardsTom
SEE:4min EDITORIAL SALIENT TO ME15 mins to 20 mins WITH GEOFF SEIDNER...where you cut me off22m: The Jews! A DUBIOUS CALLER30 mins: Michael re agreeing with me and ;CHARLIE HEBDO CARTOONSHELLO TO ELLIOTTI email you again: that JEW HATER was claiming to be a JEW!Do not go there Tom – there is nothing that surprises me: some Jews are Jew haters AKA non – closet antisemites!THAT he could seek cover to attack me by the dubious gravitas of a derivative of ‘some of my best friends are Jewish’ – as a disgusting marker of what he really is.Do not go there Tom – otherwise you enlarge this!I have since listened to what got on air that day on FRIDAY 30/1/2015 At 3 29 pm mainly.AYour editorial 04 mins +Your ‘’once you start banning things it never stops’’This is trite and bordering on ntj=he equally imbecilic tangent of ‘tjhin edge of the wedge’Do not challenge me: I prefer to write a generalized essay on this trite tripe instead of bothering with you.5m 40secsThe Forbidden fruit syndrome!‘’but banning it makes it look like forbidden fruit’’This is was moronic Tom.DO NOT CHALLENGE – it will remain moronicAnother essay? Oh brother – how many intelligent themes there are rather than debunking plain idiocy.‘’Let them say whatever they want ...debate the issues’’SEE BELOW FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE!‘’Once you restrict freedom of speech you never stop’’See above twirpery, Tom.SO – let us get into the main COWARD SYNDROME YOU RAISED!!!
- As can be understood from the tape you three times challenged me whether ‘’I WOULD LOCK HIM UP’’ [DAVID IRVING...AKA HIS HOLOCAUST VIEWS.]
- I initially tried to no avail to tell you THREE TIMES that this was not a decision for me, that the law would decide it – and legal processes would elicit if any charges would be laid against Irving.
- I understood the scam you were running – that no matter what my response to this lunatic DELIBERATE non – understanding of the law and processes attendant! How could you so expose yourself to ridicule! Perhaps becuse you thought you would get away with it!
- Indeed deliberately talked over me when I tried to respond intelligently!
- Not for you, it was not: you are just smart enough; recognizing your own deliberate fraud – so amongst other things you called me a coward!!! SHAME UPON SHAME TOM ELLIOTT!
- So when that second caller gently took you to task by supporting me – you admitted that YOU were a [albeit rhetorical!!] coward!
- So – let it be understood that even YOU accept that in your cowardly way – that there are limits to freedom of speech!
- There are so many deliberate chimeras: eg ‘’NO TWO RELIGIONS ARE EXACTLY THE SAME” HUH? What is this irrelevancy??
- THIS intelligent caller merely asked you about putting on the Charlie cartoons on your website! At this point you designated yourself a coward.
- May my blog where I place this ensure that your children and antecedents hold you to account for what you tried to get away with!
- You can respond if you are not as cowardly as I think you are!
Yours SincerelyGeoff SeidnerFrom: g87Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 5:18 PMTo: Tom ElliottCc: Tom ElliottSubject: MY ON AIR 'WAR' WITH YOU!Hello TomCould you please send me a podcast to our ON AIR conversation today between 3 29 pm and 3 35 pm?You may also care to include that Jew – hater AKA antisemite who said the Jews were not the only ones that suffered... mere moments after our ‘war.’And that wonderful caller MICHAEL who basically supported me by asking YOU whether YOU would attack Mohammed under the aegis of freedom of speech!!!3 50 pm!You purported to not understand his deep sarcasm!!!!BUT you had the temerity to accuse me of being a ‘coward’ for not responding / answering your chimera immediately!The chimera about ‘’WOULD YOU PUT HIM IN JAIL, GEOFF’’?I tried to tell you it is not my role to determine this – but you talked over me and called me a coward!Mind you – I tried to say that Irving did serve jail – time IN GERMANY – but of course you are not interested in cause and effect or the law and processes attendant thereto.How trite and silly – when under pressure you resort to silly ridicule and abuse! Shame on you Tom.I reiterate – this latest tangent of yours is akin to Neil Mitchell and the lame, lamentable Nick McCallum. See my battles here with poor NICK!!I had many callers congratulating me on our on air tussle.One fellow suggested that I debate with you the pro – PORT ARTHUR line.You take on the side denying it ever happened. Or suggesting the victims are a fraud!!OK? Game on!Or let us debate Gallipoli? You take the side of those who claim the landing never took place – as the late, unlamented Magnus Clarke N Mitchell’s hero who so claimed!OR – LET US START A CONSPIRACY ABOUT THE RECENT MURDER OF THOSE AUSSIES AT MARTIN PLACE!YOU CAN INVITE ANY HUMBUG TO DEBATE WITH ME!!FINALLY – I send you this – so you can accept how disgraceful were your words AND UNWILLINGNESS TO CALL OUT THAT ANTISEMITE JEW HATER!!Geoff Seidner
From: g87
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 6:43 PM
To: Tom Elliott
Cc: Tom Elliott
From: g87
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 5:59 PM
To: Tom Elliott
Cc: Tom Elliott
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